Online Meeting Post Summer

Online Meeting Post Summer

We held a very productive online meeting today discussing the status of the intellectual outputs to date. Everything is moving along at a very great pace, with Outputs 2 to 4 already either completed or in an advanced state of development. The online Moodle platform was demonstrated today, with a bunch of interactive features. All…

Drama Activities in Turkish Schools

Drama Activities in Turkish Schools

Cankaya Education Directorate and Cagdas Drama Association started drama activities in Turkish schools within the scope of our Erasmus+KA220 ADU project. Activities were carried out under the coordination of our Norwegian partner. This April, trainer Selda Dogan of the Cagdas Drama Association held workshops with various Turkish high school students on staging, role playing, improvisation,…

Learning and Training in Palermo

Learning and Training in Palermo

An intensive week of learning, teaching and training activities took place in Palermo, Sicily in Italy from 20-24 February, 2023. The project consortium partners came together in a refurbished former church belonging to Italian partner MeNO. A series of training workshops, presentations, and discussions were held about the sensory skills and what they mean to…

TPM1: Stavanger, Norway

TPM1: Stavanger, Norway

SensEd partners descended on Stavanger, Norway from September 12-14 for our first face-to-face transnational meeting. The event was hosted by project manager, Stavanger Offshore Technical School (SOTS) at their training centre. It was a fantastic opportunity for all partners to meet each other in person and to get some hands-on (and sensory!) workshopping done. Aside…

Kickoff Meeting

Kickoff Meeting

Our SensEd Project (KA220-ADU-01BD82B7) officially kicked off on 25 April 2022. Warnborough College (Ireland)  is working together with Stavanger Offshore Technical School (Norway), Escola Profissional do Minho (Portugal), Escuela Internacional de Audiovisuales y Espectáculos (Spain), Associazione Culturale Meno (Italy), Cagdas Youth Drama Academy and the National Education Office (both from Turkey).  The consortium will focus on…